The topic of the debate is whether human intelligence is associated with happiness. Apollo states that if animals were given human intelligence, they would also be unhappy with their lives. On the other hand, Hermes suggests that animals will be able to live happier lives than humans if they had access to human intelligence. The two put their talks to the test by giving 15 dogs human intelligence to see what the results are. Hermes would win the bet if at least one of the dogs was content with their life. Throughout the novel, the readers experience many events which provide evidence for why human intelligence does not lead to happiness. Atticus is one of the main characters in the novel who possesses leadership qualities. This characteristic allows him to become the leader of the pack for some of the dogs in the novel. Even though Atticus obtains human intelligence, he is more discontent with his life than ever before. At one point in the novel, Atticus has a dream in which he is chasing squirrels. However, he is unable to enjoy eating the squirrel because he realizes that the squirrel must go through the same pain that he would go through if he was killed, (Alexis). This epiphany causes Atticus to behave differently from how any other animal would behave. “I am sometimes afraid that I will not know the feeling again, that I will never again know what it is to be a dog among dogs,” (Alexis). …show more content…
Human intelligence is a source that allows people to perform certain skills. Sure, the fact that someone can perform a variety of skills brings happiness. However, if you are unable to use those skills to make you happy, then it would just lead to an unsatisfactory life. The author exemplifies this by showing how dogs with human intelligence still succumbed to the actions that humans suffer from. Arguments, murder, loneliness all existed within the lives of the dogs. Despite having human intelligence, they still committed actions that led to them being unhappy. Therefore, human intelligence does not equate to happiness. Instead, the actions you provide using your intelligence is what brings true happiness to people. Unfortunately, humans do not always make the right actions and thus suffer with unsatisfactory