Hudson's bay is a large body of water in Northeastern Canada. The bay is the second largest bay in the world by being 1 230 000 square kilometers and is on the edges of many provinces such as Manitoba, Nunavut, Ontario and Quebec. Hudson's Bay was named after Sir Henry Hudson when he explored the Bay in 1610. Hudson's Bay is a large important Geographical feature. Since the bay is connected to the Atlantic ocean through the Hudson Strait it gives access to the inner/ middle part of Canada. There are hundreds of important rivers that flow from Hudson's Bay including the Albany River, Nelson River and Churchill River they were often used as canoe routes by the Hudson's Bay Company for trading.
Médart Chouart Des Groseilliers and Pierre-Esprit Radisson …show more content…
The two Brother in Laws were French fur traders and explorers that went into English Service. Before 1659 there was French established trading companies but none of the companies went as a far as Lake superior in Ontario so the men went on exploration traveling from Montreal to Lake Superior to trade with the Cree and Ojibwa. Médart Chouart Des Groseilliers and Pierre-Esprit Radisson were the first to explore the deep north, lake Superior and negotiate treaties with the Cree. The establishment of the trading with the Cree benefited heavily by trading furs for goods such as pots and other tools. When the men returned back to Montreal, they brought back hundreds of canoes full of valuable fur but the return was not a positive as expected. When Médart Chouart Des Groseilliers and Pierre-Esprit Radisson set off on their exploration they did not have a license, they were fined, jailed briefly and the furs were