Climax: I was too busy eating my kind of disgusting stew that I was really glad had something occupied to not go to the crooked door and see who’s terrifying face it is. While I was eating I was thinking about who it was at the door. Ned, Steve, Joe, who knows. I was waiting for Ellen or Kate to go get it but no one answered it. Instead everyone was doing their own thing that they look that they can’t hear anything at all. So I had to get up, I was actually upset that I didn't get to finish my stew in time so I yelled, “Can I just finish!". Once I opened the door, I wish I never did. It was Fitzpatrick in his not shining uniform. looking like he came out the over end of a huge washing machine but looks really mad and kind of weird than he is usually. He barged in and yells, "Dan Kelly you are under arrest, you must come with immediately!". Now I was even more angry one 1. I didn’t get to finish my stew and 2. Now I have to go with this bozo. Ellen can hear with hear super loud hearing ears, and Giant nosy nose to hear from the crooked fire place. She comes in screaming like a horse, "where's the warrant" and Kate was shocked of what has happened as I look at her horrid face of disappointment that she made. Ellen pulls me being on the end of a train, to the other room angry and upset telling me "what have you done this time" and I try to say something to convince her that I did nothing but I am too confused that I couldn’t even say anything at all. We start discussing about what I have done until I hear Kate who was screaming in the dark dining room with Fitzpatrick, "get your disgusting greasy paws off me!!!", me and Ellen run as fast as a cheetah into the room once Ellen sees Kate on the floor and Fitzpatrick looking around looking like a dog looking for his bone. Ellen runs for the dark and dirty coal shovel, then
Climax: I was too busy eating my kind of disgusting stew that I was really glad had something occupied to not go to the crooked door and see who’s terrifying face it is. While I was eating I was thinking about who it was at the door. Ned, Steve, Joe, who knows. I was waiting for Ellen or Kate to go get it but no one answered it. Instead everyone was doing their own thing that they look that they can’t hear anything at all. So I had to get up, I was actually upset that I didn't get to finish my stew in time so I yelled, “Can I just finish!". Once I opened the door, I wish I never did. It was Fitzpatrick in his not shining uniform. looking like he came out the over end of a huge washing machine but looks really mad and kind of weird than he is usually. He barged in and yells, "Dan Kelly you are under arrest, you must come with immediately!". Now I was even more angry one 1. I didn’t get to finish my stew and 2. Now I have to go with this bozo. Ellen can hear with hear super loud hearing ears, and Giant nosy nose to hear from the crooked fire place. She comes in screaming like a horse, "where's the warrant" and Kate was shocked of what has happened as I look at her horrid face of disappointment that she made. Ellen pulls me being on the end of a train, to the other room angry and upset telling me "what have you done this time" and I try to say something to convince her that I did nothing but I am too confused that I couldn’t even say anything at all. We start discussing about what I have done until I hear Kate who was screaming in the dark dining room with Fitzpatrick, "get your disgusting greasy paws off me!!!", me and Ellen run as fast as a cheetah into the room once Ellen sees Kate on the floor and Fitzpatrick looking around looking like a dog looking for his bone. Ellen runs for the dark and dirty coal shovel, then