There are many hidden concepts and idea in the Bible. Thing are either way too easy and straightforward or are complex and like a jigsaw puzzle, things look weird and contorted but they fit. My one question is that is there more than just one meaning behind the parables. Parables were suppose to help people understand and have a example of his teaching through modern day life or chores back then. It is confusing now that looking back they probably were like ok yeah that makes sense, now we're looking into the hidden meanings, and it just confusing. Like the story of the dinosaurs, someone once told me that the reason dinosaurs were created just to be destroyed was so that humans beings would have something to do and stay interested in until the second coming basically like a treasure hunt with monster bones. Now for me I tend to think back on this as being a load of crap, but then you have to question what were the point of dinosaur. It is said that God knows all, but why would he create them just so that he could kill them with a giant space rock. Okay now back on topic, the whole dinosaur thing hopefully explains my thought on parables pretty well (key word: hopefully). What I’ve realized is that the Bible seem to get easier to read each time, and that it's still really confusing in some
There are many hidden concepts and idea in the Bible. Thing are either way too easy and straightforward or are complex and like a jigsaw puzzle, things look weird and contorted but they fit. My one question is that is there more than just one meaning behind the parables. Parables were suppose to help people understand and have a example of his teaching through modern day life or chores back then. It is confusing now that looking back they probably were like ok yeah that makes sense, now we're looking into the hidden meanings, and it just confusing. Like the story of the dinosaurs, someone once told me that the reason dinosaurs were created just to be destroyed was so that humans beings would have something to do and stay interested in until the second coming basically like a treasure hunt with monster bones. Now for me I tend to think back on this as being a load of crap, but then you have to question what were the point of dinosaur. It is said that God knows all, but why would he create them just so that he could kill them with a giant space rock. Okay now back on topic, the whole dinosaur thing hopefully explains my thought on parables pretty well (key word: hopefully). What I’ve realized is that the Bible seem to get easier to read each time, and that it's still really confusing in some