By 1768, colonies were once more boycotting British goods. Colonists relied on self-made clothing, rather than relying on British goods. These American goods arose to be perceived as a illustration of American resistance. December 16, 1773, colonists chucked more than 300 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. Protesters masked as American Indians, ruined an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company, in rebelliousness of the Tea Act. They boarded the ships and tossed the chests of tea into Boston Harbor. The British government answered bitterly and the situation heightened into the American …show more content…
Two days later, it approved the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson and revised by the Congress before approval.” (Eric Foner, 196) Announcing independence wasn’t enough though. The Americans had to go to war to achieve it. Sequences of battles, some won and lost, with thousands of casualties ended with the Americans on top after Cornwallis surrendered his army October 19, 1781. Word had be directed back to London and the support of the war disappeared and peace discussions opened. The Revolution resolved with the signing of the Treaty of Paris September 1783, by American and British