To begin, I will be predicting the case verdict. First off, I believe Tom Robinson will be innocent. A reason for that is Bob Ewell is left-handed. That can indicate that Bob could have easily been the one to beat Mayella. Him being left handed also created the jury to imagine other possibilities instead of only Tom Robinson.…
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout Finch completes the hero’s journey, beginning with her mundane world in Maycomb County. Unlike Nick Carraway, her ordinary world does not hold much significance considering Scout wasn’t prepared for her call to adventure, nor was it voluntary. Her life changes when her father, Atticus, takes on a case to defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of rape. Moreover, this is a pivotal moment in Scout’s life, she will begin to understand the society she lives in and separate from the life she is comfortable with. As she continues on this journey, she will learn about the tendencies of humanity and the unethical side of her town.…
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee, Lee puts the spotlight on 2 young children named Jem and Scout Finch who were, out of the few children, growing up in Maycomb County, Alabama. Throughout the plot, the pair with goes many coming of age experiences. Scout, being the protagonist, tells us her point of view about the external conflicts that she encounters such as conversing with Jem about how she labels people in the world of racial unjust that the book takes place in. Thus the conversation leads to the children's realization of why Boo Radley won’t leave his home due to the way society is labeling people and how society mistreats people with colored skin. This chapter is key to Scouts coming of age experience that was developed by external conflicts, point of view, and the growth of the plot.…
Prejudging the Mockingbirds The book To Kill a Mockingbird we see situations of injustice to specific communities. In the early nineteen thirties, which is when the book takes place, it is not uncommon to see many cases of racial and prejudice acts. Harper Lee uses a little girl named Jean Louise Finch or better known as Scout to narrate her story and to help readers better understand all of the wrongdoings happening in the lower class white community and the African American community in Maycomb. Not only does Lee use Scout to help the readers see the persecution these groups face, but also as Hovet, Theodore R. and Grace-Ann Hovet state in Fine Fancy Gentlemen and Yappy Folk…
A Lack of Morals “Jem, how can [Mrs. Gates] hate hitler so bad an’ then turn around to be ugly about folks right here at home-” (331). Scout is wondering how her teacher and the rest of the town of Maycomb can hate hitler for persecuting people, while they themselves are oblivious that they are persecuting african americans. Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” follows a young girl named Scout Finch and her brother Jem Finch. They live in a small, fictional, racist town by the name of Maycomb, Alabama. Scout’s father Atticus is a lawyer who is appointed to a case to defend a african american man by the name of Tom Robinson.…
He's on their side. His words portray confidence in the jury -- confidence that they agree with him; that they see the assumption as he does -- as well as portraying the assumption as immoral and false. Atticus wants to come across familiar and likeable, so as to make the jury feel more compelled and less hesitant to agree with him. He wants to make them see things -- feel things -- in a truer light. He wants to clear the fog of hatred which covers their eyes so that they…
When I read Atticus' summation to the jury, I felt excited and personally intrigued by the truths in his message. Furthermore, these truths included, but are not limited to the fact that wicked men exist, no matter what race they come from, and that at the core, regardless of education level or financial standing, all human beings are equal. Additionally, anger surged through me as he stated the plain facts about the reason behind Mayella's desire to put Tom Robinson on the death row, and that she was betraying the man who, out of his kindness, decided to help her. Furthermore, I was more than impressed by his speech and his final ringing statement to the jury, "In the name of God, do your duty." Finally, after reading such a powerful, eloquent…
In Mr. Thoma’s class we read the Novel To Kill A mockingbird (TKAM) by Harper Lee. In this story the main character is a young girl named Scout Finch, as the story goes on Scout and her brother jem come of age after they watched their father defend a colored man in the south named Tom Robinson during the 1930’s. Tom robinson was accused of raping a white women named Mayella Ewell, Atticus Finch the children’s father stated evidence that made Tom Robinson not guilty. on page 225 chapter 17 Bob Ewell said “It was her right eye” and on page 238 chapter 17 bob ewell stated “I can use one hand as good as the other” another thing that proved Tom was innocent is the fact that “his left arm was 12 inches shorter than his right”- stated on page 246…
After Tom Robinson gets shot Scout matures into a woman mentally and the court trial was the route that showed her the people and there prejudice decisions from a girl to a man. In “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee says that in life we encounter many situations that affect us deeply but from the mistakes of others we learn valuable lessons. Scouts maturation from a young girl to a young woman is a…
Atticus admits that the Court is not perfect, if we are incapable of being perfect then so are our “human constitutions”. He also alleges that it is the duty of the court to ensure that all men are created equal. Atticus firmly believes in the court and entrust the jury to treat all men…
Witnessing children’s curiosities expand while developing them into an active citizen in society can be a blessing, but revealing the harsh realities of society is never easy. Harper Lee, the author of the timeless classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, depicted the story of a tomboy girl named Scout, who matured in the racist-filled city of Maycomb as she came to comprehend the society in which she lived in. Scout’s surroundings helped shape her life as she matured by observing the trial of Tom Robinson, behaviour of adult figures, and social customs. To begin, Scout spectating the trial matured her understand regarding adulthood. As Mayella was declaring her testimony, Scout observed Mayella with a sympathizing state of mind.…
Themes in To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a story about two innocent children, Jem and Scout, growing up in Maycomb, a town that is accustomed to racism. However, To Kill a Mockingbird is not just a story about racism. It is also a novel about courage, integrity, and empathy. First, Harper Lee shows that courage is when people fight battles even when they know they might not win.…
One of the most significant quotes in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird was uttered by Scout Finch in chapter 23, when Scout disagreed with her brother in a crucial manner when she said “Naw, Jem, I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks” (Lee 227). This statement has more meaning to be uncovered than what is drawn from it when first read. The quote boldly deals with many of Lee’s themes of her novel, such as that racism classifies people into groups, innocence allows for idealized views, and that education can be used as a social construct. Lee uses Scout’s innocence to convey her message, as well as her conversation with Jem and earlier altercation with Aunt Alexandra to make her point.…
In the novel “To Kill a Mocking Bird” harper lee illustrates that social norms have a negative impact on innocent people. In the novel, scout discovers that evil is always around but the goods of the people can change that. Born into poverty, Mayella Ewell is an outsider in Maycomb. She had no friends and no one that loved her, she never felt the love from anyone, not even from her parents. During the trial, Mayella knew that she was going to win, even though she was at the bottom of society, she knew the advantage she had of being white.…
Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, explores the role of heroes in unjust societies. The community of Maycomb, Alabama, the novel’s setting, is unjust, with inherent prejudice against many in the society. However, the character of Atticus Finch shows great heroism and fights the injustice that is prevalent throughout Maycomb, chiefly by electing to defend Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. Atticus Finch deserves distinction as the greatest moral hero of all time. He demonstrates heroism by his willingness to oppose tradition and institutionalized racism.…