Sexual assault is a very serious offence. Sexual assault may seem to affect only one person, the victim. However, sexual assault effects the family and social support networks of the victim, these people are called secondary survivors. From the moment the assault takes place thorough medical attention, therapy and in most cases, all the proceedings that come with laying charges and ensuing legal proceedings, the victim goes through a series of anguish and healing with the result of having the chance to never be fully healed. This essay discusses the effects of sexual assault on individuals and their family and social support network as a whole while emphasizing that sexual assault is a large and serious issue with serious impacts that are mental and physical. “Sexual Assault is defined as an assault of a sexual nature that violates the sexual integrity of the victim,” (Edmonton Police Service, par. 1). It could be in the …show more content…
Some secondary survivors can have the emotions of anger, confusion, and the urge to help the victim. The secondary survivor may not want to hear of the details regarding the assault that took place, or they may want to hear every detail of the assault. Similarly, they may not want to hear the victim’s feelings of guilt or responsibility of the assault. Some may find their own feelings confusing and not know what to do or how to react or respond and have no idea of what the survivor should do, or how to advise the victim. Secondary survivors are also likely to experience shock, helplessness, shame, fear, grief, suffering, emotional closeness, change, and even rage. However, it is most important the secondary survivor receives help first, then helps the sexual assault victim. Overall, these effects are emotional unless the secondary survivor decides to cause self-harm to