So, in result the get special programs to help them educationally. These programs are Title I, Migrant Education, and Title III. Title III, from the English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act, is a Federal program that provides funding for programs to provide education to Limited English Proficient students. Stated in the English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act, “Anyone who is an individual student who (a) is aged three through twenty-one; (b) was not born in any state (each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico); and (c) has not been attending any one or more schools in the United States for more than three full school years.” b, shows that Illegal immigrants are covered by this act. In result, American citizens are paying for illegal immigrants, non-citizens, how to read, write, and do others things with the English language. Title III costs tax payers about, $538,000,000 dollars annually for illegal immigrants. The second program is Title I. Title I, from The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, is a federal program that provides funding to improve academic performance of children from poor families. This act affects illegal immigrants as well as American citizens because of the economic …show more content…
So in result, tax payers pay for there medical care. Tax payers do this by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, fraudulent use of Medicaid, Medicaid for Cost of Childbirth, Medicaid for Children, and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is a program for illegal immigrants to get medical care. This act is mandated by federal law. Illegal immigrants benefiting from the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act costs tax payers annually about $250,000,000 dollars. Also Whenever Illegal immigrants get injured or sick they get emergency medical care because they have nothing else. This emergency medical care cost tax papers about $7,546,900,000 dollars annually. So in total, emergency medical treatment both on the federal and local level costs tax payers about $7,796,900,000. Another way illegal immigrants hurt the United States economy is by fraudulent use of Medicaid. Illegal immigrants are using stolen IDs to get free medical care. They do this by using someone’s name and Social Security number for Medicaid benefits and other aid. The Illegal immigrants fraudulent use of Medicaid cost tax payers about $1,235,000,000 annually. Another way Illegal immigrants use tax payer money is by giving birth under the concept that the service is provided to the child who will be born a U.S. citizen. Illegal