John Locke was an enlightenment philosopher who believed in the natural rights of human beings or in other words, rights that people are born with. Some of these rights were the right to life, property and freedom. Locke also believed that if a ruler did not hold up to these rights then the people have the right to revolt. Before Locke started to get his message across, rulers were extremely cruel and unfair. Rulers would kill people because they didn't like the look the person gave them. So this influenced the American revolution by putting laws to restrict rulers and to keep people's natural rights safe. Otherwise we would still have rulers killing people for no reason at all.
Montesquieu is another enlightenment philosopher that influenced the American revolution and government. What montesquieu believed in was a government with separation of power and a series of checks and balances to make sure that no one …show more content…
The people before the enlightenment couldn’t say anything that they wanted. If they did, then they would be killed because the chances are whatever the person says can put high ranking people in jeopardy. So no one could say monarchy is not the way to go, this is all a terrible idea and the ruler is a little bit of a psychopath. Now they couldn't say this because they would be killed. Voltaire was heavily punished for his remarks and beliefs of being able to say whatever you want and not have any reproductions. Voltaire's beliefs have actually become the first amendment of the American Bill of