How Did The Declaration Of Independence Affect Women's Equality?

Superior Essays
The Declaration of Independence issued a landmark decree—that "all men are created equal." Colonists had always seen themselves as equal to their British cousins and entitled to the same liberties. But when Parliament passed laws that violated colonists' "inalienable rights" and ruled the American colonies without the "consent of the governed," colonists concluded that Britain was the land of tyranny and not of freedom. The Declaration sought to restore equal rights by rejecting Britain's oppression. These rights that were passed affected women’s equality in different ways, and they will be explored.
Before the Declaration of Independence was formed, the vast majority of white women in the eighteenth century spent their days performing many difficult tasks in their rural homes. By far the most dangerous work they performed was bearing children. On average those women gave birth to between five and eight offspring, often in between additional
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The first consequence is that all human beings are endowed with the right to enjoy equal legal rights, legal opportunity and legal protection. The second consequence of the rule of legal equality is that it neither mandates nor permits the civil government to ensure equal social position, economic well-being or political power. The Declaration’s recognition that “all men are created equal” does not mean that the civil government must treat each person the same on the basis of what they do or on the basis of their conduct. As long as the law guarantees the right of an individual to participate on an equal basis with other individuals in achieving the desired social position, economic condition or political strength, then differences in results do not violate the rule of legal equality. These consequences of the D.O.I. can be seen in the statuses of women shortly after its

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