Karl Marx- A German journalist and philosopher, who founded the Marxist branch of Socialism, which analyzes society through the materialistic goods of historical developments. He is well known for writing the Communist Manifesto, which provided a framework for how to avoid the inevitable revolutions that would occur with capitalism. Elizabeth Cady Stanton- A prominent 19th century suffragist and civil rights activist. She joined in on the abolitionist movement after a progressive upbringing, and even organized the Women's Rights Convention of 1848, the first of its kind. Her work helped bring about the eventual passing of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Pedro I- He was the first ruler of the empire of Brazil, as his father from the Portuguese royal family left him behind to rule due to a revolution breaking out in Portugal. As Brazilian emperor, he was very contradictory, as he granted rights to the political opposition, however, he also granted protection to Portuguese still in Brazil. He also opposed slavery, despite the fact that majority of Brazilians owned slaves. He began to anger the public through his removal of Brazil from the Slave Trade, and using the military to control neighboring regions. Pancho Villa- He was a famed Mexican military general and guerrilla leader. He made a name for himself in a successful uprising against Mexico's dictator at the time, and became a colonel. Prior to his time in the military, he had escaped jail twice, and became a bandit. After becoming a colonel, he escaped to America over an assassination attempt. He returned to Mexico later, and led, with a number of other generals, an attempt at overthrowing the president of Mexico- Victoriano Huerta. Through this, he made many enemies, and was eventually assassinated. Spanish American Revo- A series of wars for independence in the Spanish colonies of Latin America. It was fueled by a creole-led Junta, or political group that took over by force, who declared independence for Venezuela in 1811. That Junta wanted merely to make society better for themselves, and ruin it for everyone else. Due to that philosophy, the junta faced lots of resistance and Simon Bolivar was made the preeminent leader. Thanks to Bolivar, 5 nations experienced freedom, and all of South America did soon after Bolivar's conquest. Russian Revolution- A wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire. It was caused by unrest amongst the social classes, as no class really had what they wanted. They were all unhappy with how society was functioning. That, …show more content…
The abolitionists involved in the revolution believed that slavery violated human's natural rights. Also, industrialization meant that slaves weren't even needed for economic practices anymore. Abolition was soon accepted everywhere except for the Southern United States, who still used slaves for their economic purposes.
Progressives- People who fought to right the societal wrongs brought on by the Industrial Revolution, and solve the problems brought on by rapid industrial and urban growth. They sought out to stop unfair practices by factories, and improve the way the government functioned.
Steam Engine- A machine, first developed by Thomas Newcomen, but vastly improved by James Watt, that turns the energy released from burning fuel into motion. By the 1800s, the steam engine was being applied to moving machinery in factories, ships, and trains. It enabled for a much faster and more efficient way of doing things.
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Company- A prominent banking company established in Hong Kong in 1865, when it was still a British colony. It was founded after the second opium war. It is currently the largest bank in Hong Kong, and services bits and pieces of the whole world, but is mainly focused on the Asia Pacific