How Did Chretien Influence Society

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Jean Chretien is a name that is quite well known in Canadian politics. During his run as Canadian Prime Minister from 1993–2003 (20th prime minister), he was recognized for his various efforts and has since received many honours and awards. Chretien is also involved in several peace and democratic organizations as a significant influence on today’s political society. Chretien’s Historical significance can be found in how he helped shape and reform the laws that dictate how our country is run today. In his early political years, he helped negotiate the patriation of the Canadian constitution as well as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, both of which were incredibly significant acts that even today play a large role in the justice …show more content…
His significance largely recognized in how Chretien set Canada apart from the USA, who up until this point, had played into Canadian culture and seemed to invade our independence. This significance was brought to light when he publicly refused to provide direct support for the subsequent American campaign against Iraq (Bothwell, Koch, & Marshall, 2015). This act reminded the world that Canada was its own country and did not simply follow the lead of any other nation, including the United States of America. If Chretien had not done this in the 1990’s it is safe to assume that today, Canada would not be as respected of a country and would likely have been known largely for the nation's dependence on Canada. In light of recent events, if we had not been set apart, our reputation would be at risk for damage. Lastly, Chretien’s significance can be found in how he led the Canadian government to its first surplus in 30 years, demonstrating his role in strengthening Canada’s economy for the era, as well as for the

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