When he began conquering Arabia, Abdulaziz Ibn Saud (ruled 1932–53) deployed Wahhabism as a religious-political means of uniting the Peninsula’s impatient tribes. Submission to Allah’s absolute will, as interpreted by Wahhabi doctrine and upheld by the House of Saud became a rallying cry. Wahhabism served Saud’s descendants in the ruling family as a rampart against Arab Nationalist rivals like Egypt, Syria, …show more content…
foreign policy. The Gulf nations’ realm are obedient followers of the KSA and all are moving on lines drawn by Washington. The ties between the U.S., KSA and terrorists motivated by Wahhabi ideology is still alive as if 9/11 has never happened. Unfortunately, the U.S. depends on them to destabilize its enemies in Syria, Iran, and Yemen. The U.S. may need them soon to destabilize southern Russia and the ex-soviet central Asian republics if they come too close to Moscow. No one is better qualified to keep the bloody Shea-Sunni sectarian mayhem than these Religious “Fascists.” The sectarian conflict in the Middle East is the best viable alternative to replace the legitimate Arab-Israeli conflict. Therefore, there is no point in asking King Salman “to moderating the kingdom’s actions.” He is simply "doing his