My fellow Americans, I stand before you today as a part of our country’s very rich history. A country that has based itself on the most sacred document of all time: the Constitution. Two hundred thirty-nine years ago, our founding fathers constructed what they believed our country should abide by. As the country has evolved with the rest of the world, we must not forget what our fathers asked of us. As you all may know, on April 12th a man named Freddie Grey was being chased by police officers in Baltimore when he stopped voluntarily. He was arrested for having unregistered weapons on his person. In the transportation from the vehicle to the police office, Grey had experienced serious medical stress. He was announced …show more content…
This public service is guaranteed to all Americans. Each and every school should have the same opportunity to succeed according to the Constitution. Why doesn’t this happen then though? In 1892, Homer Plessy bought a ticket to a seat on a railroad that he was not given because the car was a “white only” car. This is where the term “separate, but equal” was coined. Even today, there is a huge gap between black and white people that still existed in terms of education. According to a recent study by U.S. News, while ninety-one percent of white children in kindergarten were able to read at an acceptable pace, only seventy-eight percent of black children in kindergarten read with the same pace and accuracy. Additionally, the chances for a white person to a get a Bachelor's degree is 38% higher than it is for a black person. On the SAT, black students had a mean score of four hundred twenty-eight in both math and reading. However, the mean score for a white student was one hundred points higher in both subjects. As much as we want to think that we have evolved, we are still living in a time where “separate but equal” is simply not achieved, no matter how far we push it. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have