Rec 453-Fall 2016
Dr. Seaman
12 September 2016
Past & Present Assignment
On the southern end of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, three different beach lodging establishments were created on the same property during three different time periods. There is no doubt that this location is desired by many hotel owners. The narrow part of the island offers sound and ocean views along with small southern town charm.
In 1897 the Seashore Hotel open their doors to the public in 1897 on 275 Waynick Blvd. This hotel had 150 rooms and 100 rocking chairs available to their guests on an Oceanside porch. A porter was hired to constantly keep the chairs in line. Each room was also equipped with a fireplace. This hotel was a colonial style establishment with cream and white exterior. Because you could only get on the island by trolley, the hotel was located on “station 3” for east accessibility. The Seashore Hotel had three floors consisting of the guest rooms, a large dining area, a ladies reception room, a sitting room, and an office. On opening day, the hotel offered a supper with a live orchestra. On the Oceanside of the resort was a famous large steel pier. In 1918 was burned to the ground and then rebuilt. In 1921 the pier was then destroyed due to storms. During this time, the Seashore Hotel attracted fisherman because the large pier gave way for a prime fishing location. It also attracted adventurers, pioneers, and the wealthy. Travel was not as possible during this time period making it more popular to families with money or individuals trying to build on an up and coming location. Most guests came from surrounding areas, like Raleigh and Wilmington. The Seashore was successful because it was only hotel on the entire island. For this reason, I am sure that owners did not have to try very hard with customer service and marketing because it was visitors’ only option. This hotel paved the way and pioneered Wrightsville Beach tourism. Years after the hotel opened, many other businesses, hotels, and cottages began to appear. In 1935, the old Seashore Hotel was leased, re-opened, and changed its name to Ocean Terrace Hotel. Ocean Terrace Hotel was opened by Mrs. Snyder, former owner of the Ketty Cottage, until it was burnt down. On the Soundside of the resort, a pavilion, called the Anchor, was built for dancing. In 1954, the worst hurricane to ever hit Wrightsville Beach badly destructed the hotel. A year later, the hotel was burnt to the ground and the town of Wrightsville Beach obtained the establishment. During this time, travel was more accessible, especially with being to arrive to the island via …show more content…
Lewis. The mayor sold the property at a very low cost knowing that the island would never get any business without a lodging establishment on the island. The Blockade Runner had 120 rooms with half facing the Soundside and the other half facing the Oceanside. The resort opened with only one restaurant but after the first year the hotel experienced high volume so Mr. Lewis added the kitchen, dining areas, coffee shop, and convention halls. In 1971, Mr. Lewis sold the hotel to a group of doctors; Dr. Dennis and Dr. Baggett. Today, the doctors’ families still own the