As the story begins, we are introduced to the setting which is described as brown and dry with no shade or tress. It feels as if the story is taking place in a desert for two reasons- one being the dryness of the land and the sense of loneliness between the two characters. We are told that the story is placed beside the Ebro River. The woman describes the hills along the river as “lovely hills” (Hemingway, 351) The girl, who is pregnant and deciding whether to keep the child or not, can see the beauty in the fertility of the environment. Though this is unclear to the man in this way, the land itself is a symbol for the girl with her possibility of motherhood and the conflicting barrenness of her relationship with the man who is urging her to get rid of the baby that he does not want. In this story, light is another big symbol that can mean different things. The pounding of light of the sun and the heat that it produces is very important. From the beginning, we are aware Evans 2 that the suns heat is driving passengers into the shade of the train stations bar. While many people may interpret the light and the suns heat as being harsh, many believe that it represents the light of the truth and honesty, which neither the man or woman is willing to embrace. In the story, it says “come on back in the shade,” he said. “you mustn’t feel that way.” “I don’t feel any way.” The girl said, “I just know things.” (Hemingway, 352). The couple avoids discussing the serious problems in their relationship. Neither of the …show more content…
During the story, the two consume large quantity of beer and liquor. The only pause they have while fighting is to drink. This shows they are using the alcohol to mask the problems they are having in the relationship. In the story, it says “I wanted to try this new drink.
That’s all we do, isn’t it- look at things and try new drinks.” (Hemingway, 351) it is also helping them cool off from the truth of the scorching sun. It is important that the reader realizes that alcohol is not portrayed as a positive force. While water is an element that brings fourth life and allows growth, alcohol only is providing temporary relief and forgetfulness.
In most literature, crossroads represent a situation in which a character must choose a physical path. The physical path they choose will then take them down a life path. In this story, the train station they decide to stay at beside the Ebro River plays a very symbolic role. It plays the role as the cross road. Their prolonged wait at the train station is building up suspense. It is the sense of things coming to a standstill that won’t be resolved until they decide what to do. The decision that they make will lead them down their next path in life.