Hillary is well known for her “Human Rights Are Women’s Rights” speech about 20 years ago that shocked the political world. In her campaign she looked to target the women vote against Donald trump because it is a huge percentage. She campaigned many different kinds of topics that were there to protect the women when she became president, if she did, a couple being work to force the pay gap and confront violence against women. Clinton has had a strong history of supporting women. After she graduated from Yale Law School she became an advocate for kids and families at the Children’s Defense Fund. Also, as first lady of the United States, Hillary led the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, where she stated that “women’s rights are human rights.” She also advocated for the Family and Medical Leave Act, worked to increase funding for child care, and helped start the National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. She believes that America can only be strong if a women can be what she wants to be, and get payed like a man would be doing the same thing. Not only is Clinton big on her women’s rights but she has had a lasting effect on the gun control situation around the …show more content…
During the campaign, presidential nominee Donald Trump stated that he would get a private investigator to take care of her when he becomes president. For many people when they think about Hillary Clinton the first thing that pops to their mind is the dreaded email scandal. It just comes to show how much it really affected her political life and will until the day she dies. A lot of people do believe that the United States of America will have a women president in the future and many thought she would be the first one. Her women’s rights actions kept her alive during the campaign because the percentage of votes from women in the United States is huge. Most people can agree on a lot of her women’s rights issues like abuse and things like that but her abortion topics are easily argued and were argued by Trump- he being prolife, she being prochoice. All in all, Mrs. Clinton has had a very well recognized past in politics and is going to keep her reputation up in the future to be one of the most iconic and well recognized women in American