Gatekeeper, was about to go and yell for the Bridge Boy to start winding it up.
"You're cutting it a bit fine," growled Gringe. "But you Wizards are weird.
Waddyou all want to be out for on a day like this I dunno."
"Oh?" Silas wanted to get past Gringe as soon as he could, but first he had to cross
Gringe's palm with silver. Silas quickly found a silver penny in one of his pockets and handed it over.
"Thank you, Gringe. Good night."
Gringe looked at the penny as though …show more content…
"Yeah. Class, that's what she's got."
Gringe stood back to let him pass, and Silas slipped by. As much as Silas wanted to find out why Marcia Overstrand was suddenly the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, he could feel the bundle beginning to stir in the warmth of his cloak, and something told him that it would be better if Gringe did not know about the baby.
As Silas disappeared into the shadows of the tunnel that led to The Ramblings, a tall figure in purple stepped out and barred his way.
"Marcia!" gasped Silas. "What on earth—"
"Tell no one you found her. She was born to you. Understand?"
Shocked, Silas nodded. Before he had time to say anything, Marcia was gone in a shimmer of purple mist. Silas spent the rest of the long, winding journey through
The Ramblings with his mind in turmoil. Who was this baby? What did Marcia have to do with her? And why was Marcia the ExtraOrdinary Wizard now? And as
Silas neared the big red door that led to the Heap family's already overcrowded room, another, more pressing question came into his mind: What was Sarah going to say to yet another baby to care for?
Silas did not have long to think about the last question. As he reached the door