1. Mariana’s microbiology results have led to the ruling out of any urinary tract infection (UTI), Gastroenteritis and malnutrition. The results show that her red and white cell count are within the normal range and also the epithelial cells found in the urine sample are of a moderate amount and there were no significant bacterial growth. Abnormalities in this results would have indicated to a UTI but the results were normal. According to Roche (2011), presence of bacteria, in addition to a high white blood count or epithelial cells in a fresh urine sample is a diagnostic of UTI, meaning Mariana is in the clear of any UTI.…
HCV is a disease the effects the liver slowly over a period of time. The virus persists in the site of the liver over a long period of time, so that the patients may not know that he/she has HCV. Over this period of time, the patient will develop fibrosis and cirrhosis which is permanent scarring and scarring to the liver tissue. This damage is ‘silent’, and many times patients do not know that this damage has occurred. After cirrhosis occurs, the liver is unable to heal itself leading patients to have “Stage 4 Hepatitis C” (CDC: Hepatitis C).…
There are two forms of inflammatory bowel disease. One is called Crohn’s Disease and the other is called Ulcerative Colitis. Crohn’s can occur in any region of the gastrointestinal track which includes ulceration, fissures and fistulas. Some of the symptoms of Crohn’s disease are diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fever, abdominal pain, fatigue, reduced appetite and weight loss. Some of the complications of Crohn’s disease are that overtime it forms scar tissues inside the gastrointestinal track which leads to obstruction of content to pass by and so you might feel pain in that area.…
Lastly, the prevention of the liver cancer is essential and critical. The liver cancer can be prevented by avoiding alcohol and lowering the risk of becoming infected with hepatitis C. (7) Besides prevention, the patients and their families should be aware of the course of this disease to deal effectively with overall patients’…
Rituximab is an antibody that is primarily found on the surface of B cells in the immune system. It destroys B cells and thus is used to treat diseases that are characterized by B cell disorders e.g. overactive B cells, excessive numbers of B cells, or dysfunctional B cells. Rituximab use has been associated with increased risk of hepatitis B virus reactivation in patients who are negative for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and positive for anti-hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc). The authors of this study aim to clarify the risk of HBV reactivation in a cohort of HBsAg-negative/anti-HBc-positive patients treated with rituximab-containing combination chemotherapy without concomitant antiviral prophylaxis and to identify possible risk factors for HBV reactivation in the patients.…
1. List some clinical manifestations typically seen in Hepatitis C. There are 5 different hepatitis diseases, hepatitis A virus (HAV), HBV, HCV, HDV, and finally HEV. All the hepatitis viruses have some similarities in common. In the acute phase of the disease there is evident liver failure manifestations, which are noted through high liver enzymes. Three stages of progression are common to the virus and each comes with specific characteristics.…
It was a typical day in the McDougal household; my sister was still getting acclimated to college life, my annoying little brother was pushing my buttons as usual, and my only worry was whether I was going to pass my next bio test. My dad was getting ready to leave for a business trip to Singapore but decided to stop in the doctors to check out a bulge in his abdomen. It turned out that the bump was metastasized Stage IV Liver Cancer. We were all completely devastated and couldn’t comprehend how a perfectly normal guy could have so much disorder inside of him. It took a few weeks before I could go a day without crying as I was thought about my future life without one of my biggest supporters.…
Degenerative disease experienced at a higher rate among Chinese Americans Among Chinese Americans, Stomach Cancer is experienced at a much higher rate - about two times the rate than that of non-hispanic white men and women. Stomach Cancer among Asian Americans is generally known to be caused by H. Pylori, a bacteria that is found in the digestive tract. H. Pylori can sometimes break the barrier of the stomach lining and attack it, which can lead to cancer of the stomach. Please be aware that this is NOT the case for everyone but it thought to be the cause of why many Asian Americans experience Stomach Cancer at a higher rate.…
Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that can cause harmful diseases in humans. The most common kinds of bloodborne pathogens are hepatitis B, hepatitis C , and human immunodeficiency virus. These pathogens can cause serious health problems. HIV can lead to AIDS, which is a life threatening disease that attacks your immune system. Many humans around the world suffer from bloodborne pathogens, they can damage many important organs and are spread in many ways.…
The degenerative disease that I have chosen is Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver. It happens when someone has had an injury or disease for a long time that scar tissue starts to form. Is not always known what may be causing it, but there are some things that can cause it.…
Two years ago I learned that one phone call can change your whole life. This is a story about when I got a call about my cousin and how she got liver cancer. Liver cancer is very hard to cure since it has already spread through liver to much so it's hard to find where the original dead cell that started killing the other cells. Sadly she didn't make it and she was only 13 years old and was fighting for 2 years I wish I would have spent more time with her, but now she’s in a better place. I'm happy to know that.…
Evidence from multiple labs has shown that humanized mice are capable of being infected with various hepatic pathogens, which have allowed for major advancements in our understanding of those diseases (84, 133). We would gain insights into disease progression in a whole animal setting and would be able test antiviral drugs at various stages of the disease to assess their efficacy to eventually improve patient care and outcomes. It could allow for the development of disease models that more accurately mimic human conditions since not all humans diseases can be modeled in non-humanized models. It might also serve as potential PDX model for hepatic cancers, where we would be able to test different treatment protocols to produce better treatment plans for patients (120,…
As defined by the American Liver Foundation, cirrhosis “is the scarring of the liver with hard scar tissue replacing soft healthy tissue” (American Liver Foundation, 2015). Cirrhosis can be caused by multiple conditions including alcoholism, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Hepatitis C and genetic diseases such as Wilson’s Disease (ALF, 2015). In a study released by the Chronic Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF), “ patients with cirrhosis from alcoholism have more brain deterioration with HE compared to non-alcoholic cirrhosis patients” (Ahluwalia et al., 2015). Almost half of patients with cirrhosis will be diagnosed with HE during their clinical course, some repeatedly (Vistrup et…
When a person has pancreatic cancer, their alkaline phosphate, glucose, and bilirubin levels may be elevated. For a definite diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, a pancreatic biopsy is necessary. If the cancer causes a secondary pancreatitis, the patient’s lipase and amylase levels are also elevated. They may look at a patient’s blood clotting time because thrombophlebitis is a possible symptom. CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen test, may be done to confirm the presence of cancer as the normal levels are supposed to be less than 5ng/mL. To determine the size of the cancer, an abdominal radiograph may be orders.…
Everyday people contract this harmful virus known as, Hepatitis. Hepatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver. There are five types of hepatitis; A, B, C, D, and E. Types B and C lead to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people and, together, are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B, C, and D usually occur as a result of parenteral contact with infected body fluids.…