First off, the two views have completely different goals in life. For example the Hebrews live their lives trying to please their one and only god by keeping a covenant that was created to guide the Hebrew people (Genesis 17, …show more content…
God in the beginning of Genesis seems to be in complete control and methodically creates the world. In the Hebrew creation story there is no murder or fighting just birth of the world. Since there is only one almighty God he does not have to constantly fight with other Gods to get what he wants which I think makes for a much easier time when creating something as important as our world. The Greek creation story on the other hand is much different from the Hebrews peaceful creation. From Theogony the Greek world starts out as emptiness and chaos. The personified Gods are constantly fighting with one another to gain control (Theogony, 12-13). The Gods backstad and fight each other for their own personal gains. The Gods constantly make rash decisions that they do not fully think through causing a lot of …show more content…
They do this in many ways one ways is from the sport of football. A player scores a touchdown, then he spikes the ball in celebration raises his arms and yells out that he is the best. Then that same player gets down on his knees and points up to the sky. The spiking the ball and yelling out how great he is would be how a Greek would celebrate by taking all of the glory for himself. The Hebrew way of celebrating is to acknowledge that something greater than yourself is the reason the touchdown was scored, so they point up to their almighty God to give him all of the glory. A football celebration is just one of the multitude of ways the two views are shown side by side in today's western world. I think that I lean more toward the Greek way of life mostly because it is easier to explain and understand, but also because I want all the glory to