Hey kids, this week we will be learning about different animals. We will be looking at the eating habits, color, looks, and daily lives of different animals all week. Today we will be learning about a very interesting animal, the hedgehog! We will learn all about them, and then we will be creating our own hedgehogs out of craft supplies. Creating these hedgehogs will help you learn what each part of the hedgehog does. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals that are covered with both hair and protective spines. Nocturnal means a creature that is active during the night. They are small, rodent-like creatures with small ears and a black nose. Hedgehogs eat a lot of things, like insects, worms and snails, small animals and fruits, there for, they are considered omnivores. Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meats. Hedgehogs roll themselves into balls to defend themselves. When they roll up, their spikes point outwards. That way, if another creature attacks them, the other creatures will get hurt instead of the hedgehogs. Unlike porcupines, hedgehog’s spines do not easily come detached from their bodies. The only times their spines tend to come detached is when they are sick, or when they are highly stressed. Some hedgehogs do hibernate, which means they sleep for very long times during the winter to help them survive. Alright, now that we know all about hedgehogs, we will start creating our own. To build your hedgehog, you will need some supplies. You will need an egg carton for the body, brown textured fabric for the fur, a bath pouf for the head, small round sticks for the spikes, small black fuzzy balls for the eyes, flat wood pieces for ears, and metal washers for weight. You will also need a hot glue gun to piece all of this together. Now we will start assembling your hedgehogs. The first step to assembling your hedgehog is to cut an egg carton. You will want to cut it so that you have 4 of the eggs spots to use as feet. The top of the carton must stay connected. This will be used as the body. If you …show more content…
The pouf will be the head of the hedgehog, which is obviously a very important part of the hedgehog. If you need help with the glue, just ask. After the “head” is attached to the body, you’ll want to create the fur and spikes. You can do this by breaking the small round sticks into about inch to inch and a half long pieces. After you have created the spikes, you’ll want to put them into the brown textured fabric by pushing them through the fabric. These will be the spines that hedgehogs use to protect themselves from danger.
You will have to fill the back half of the fabric so it looks like a real hedgehog. The spikes should be facing backwards. After you have created the fur, you will have to attach it to the body. To do this, you will glue the fabric to the top of the egg carton, with the spikes on the back of the carton, facing backwards. Then, glue the tip of the fabric together to create the face of the hedgehog. The tip that you’ll be creating is the nose, which hedgehogs use to find their