Many different associations along with the First Lady plan on doing this by showing children what it means to be healthy. Children have been getting more and more diseases that are more common in adults than in children. This country can not afford to have the medical bills of so many obese children getting diabetes and high blood pressure, but this country can afford to make their lives healthier and more active.(White House Press Release) Along with all of the positives of the Healthy Kids Initiative there has been a big obstacle and that is that children are getting exposed to fruits and vegetables that they are not given in the home or have any experience with in general. This causes children to be less eager to try the new foods along with they might not like the healthier options if they are used to sugary fat filled foods. Many students also say that the food in general is just plain gross. As a student at Winterset who has made the change to healthier food, some of their options are worse than greasy food, on taste, look, and smell. The whole wheat noodles have no flavor and the waffles are hard as rocks. Besides
Many different associations along with the First Lady plan on doing this by showing children what it means to be healthy. Children have been getting more and more diseases that are more common in adults than in children. This country can not afford to have the medical bills of so many obese children getting diabetes and high blood pressure, but this country can afford to make their lives healthier and more active.(White House Press Release) Along with all of the positives of the Healthy Kids Initiative there has been a big obstacle and that is that children are getting exposed to fruits and vegetables that they are not given in the home or have any experience with in general. This causes children to be less eager to try the new foods along with they might not like the healthier options if they are used to sugary fat filled foods. Many students also say that the food in general is just plain gross. As a student at Winterset who has made the change to healthier food, some of their options are worse than greasy food, on taste, look, and smell. The whole wheat noodles have no flavor and the waffles are hard as rocks. Besides