Specially dedicated to my beloved family and my truly loved ones
In the name of Allah S.W.T, Most Gracious and Most Merciful, all praise is due to Allah. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for helping me stay strong to keep survive and able to complete this study.
Along the process upon the completion of this assignment, there is lot of people come to assist me during my hard time. Indeed, I really appreciate them because without their assistance I shall not finish this study alone.
First of all, I wish to acknowledge my profoundly appreciation to my lecturer, Encik Adam bin Marsidi for his comments and valuable advice.
Beside it, I would like to express my appreciation to KYS safety and …show more content…
This step is the most important step in the risk assessment process. Hazard identification is to identify any conditions that may cause harm to people, the environment and property. After that, each hazard will be analyzed. This is to determine the priority hazards for action. Each identified hazard probability the frequency of accidents and injury that may be acceptable. results of risk assessment, appropriate methods for controlling risk is determined. Figure 2.1 shows the implementation of the risk assessment model.
Figure 2.1 Implementation Method of the risk assessment
2.3.1 Identify The Hazards
Identify hazards referring to identify any situation that undesirable that can cause accidents (MS 1722: 2003). For example, the working floor slippery. Potential harm is likely employees will slip and fall. Hazards are classified into several categories for facilitate the identified hazards. Categories and examples for each category are as follows (Ismail Bahari, 2002):
i. Electrical Hazards: a hazard due to electrical shock, fire due to overload and splashes. For example, switched on the light. Using wet fingers can cause electric