Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary Heroine who freed many slaves by taking them to Canada. She was one of the most well know conductors in the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a series of stations that consisted of people who were against slavery, abolitionists. These people gave the escaped slaves food and hospitality. Some of the most famous station masters were William Still and Thomas Garrett. Being a station master was extremely dangerous because if the slave hunters caught one with slaves on their property, they would face a severe punishment. Harriet Tubman was hero who was looked up to by all slaves.
Harriet Tubman faced many obstacles in her fight for freedom, even with the support and help …show more content…
Harriet also met John Tubman one day while in the market selling her goods/crops. When John asked Harriet to marry him she accepted and they had a party. As their marriage day got farther and farther away, John got more and more distant. He would be gone for days at a time leaving Harriet to run their farm on her own. One day when John came home he told Harriet that he took her money to buy his own freedom papers. Harriet was exasperated by what John did and started to scream at him. John walked out of the house and Harriet never saw him again. This event was another factor that fueled Harriet to help free other slaves and giving them a better life style. Harriet made her first journey north alone to the city of Philadelphia, which was a free state. The journey to Philadelphia was long, but Harriet pushed herself, and her fellow slaves to never give up. She also pushed them to stand up for their rights. When Harriet made it to Philadelphia, she volunteered at a church for runaway slaves where she helped people in need. At one point when she was at the church, she made a speech about black rights. This awarded her the name “Moses”, which is what people called her in the southern states. When Harriet returned back down south to gather slaves to free, she went to her old planation where her parents and childhood friends were located. Harriet gathered them up and took …show more content…
Every time Harriet made her invasions on a plantation, she had to do them with extreme caution and intelligence or else she had a greater risk of being caught. One time, Harriet made one of her invasions on Christmas Eve because she knew the slave master was having a party at his house and that no one would be guarding the slaves. As soon as Harriet made her first invasion, there was a bounty put on her for forty thousand dollars. After the wanted posters were hung up all over towns, Harriet could not travel near them anymore because the risk was too high for her to get caught. People even hired one of the best bounty hunters in the country to search for her. On one of her trips, she and her group were cornered in a burning barn, set on fire by slave hunters. Fortunately, there was a cellar passageway in which the slaves escaped in. Soon after that incident the Fugitive slave law was put into act. This law stated that any runaway slave was to be brought back down south to their plantations no matter what state they were in, free or not. This forced Harriet to have to travel Canada which was even farther north and in harsher weather conditions. Even though the law made the journey longer, it did not stop Harriet from freeing more