Being a slave is horrifying. Physical violence was a daily part of her day. The violence that she had suffered from it would cause permanent injuries. One day Harriet counted on a day that she got lashed five times before breakfast. She carried all of her scars around for the rest of her life. One of Harriet's worst injuries was when she was just a teeneager, she was sent to the store to get some supplies, she bumped into a slave who had left the field without permission. The man’s supervisor demanded that Harried help capture the runaway slave. Harriet refused to help the supervisor. The supervisor then threw a two pound weight and it hit her right in the head. Harriet suffered with seizures, severe headaches and narcoleptic episodes for the rest of her life ( Biography). By the time Harriet was a grownup, about half of the African American people on the western shore of Maryland were free. In 1844, Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman. Little is known about John and the marriage, any children they might have had would have been considered enslaved. Araminta changed her name to Harriet around the same time she married her husband, it was a honor of her mother ( Biograph). Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery in 1849, she escaped to Philadelphia. …show more content…
She escaped when her owner passed away in 1849 ( History). She left Maryland with her two brothers Harry and Ben, on September 17, 1849. In Cambridge Democrat offered three hundred dollars for the return for Harriet. Once they had left her brothers had second thoughts and returned to the plantation. After her brothers got home safely she took off alone for Pennsylvania. The way Tubman got around smoothly was something called the Underground Railroad (Biography). The Underground Railroad is a network of secret routes and safe houses for enslaved people (History). Although Harriet was safe in the North she decided to go back and to help rescue her family and others that were still living in slavery. In December of 1850, Harriet got a warning that her niece Kessiah was going to be sold along with her two children. Then Harriet decided to help the entire family get to Philadelphia. This is one of many trips that Harriet made to save people from slavery. She even got the nickname “ Moses”. Tubman was able