The main characters in this story include the Grandmother, Baily, June Star, John Wesley, the Mother, Bobby Lee, Red Sammy and his wife, and the Misfit. The setting in this story is down south in America. It does not say, but seeing how they talk and seeing their way of pronouncing words, the reader can tell that it takes place sometime in the early 1900’s. The two children, June Star and John Wesley, cannot stand the deep south. They especially do not like Georgia or Tennessee. You know this when John Wesley says ‘” …show more content…
Before this trip took place, the Grandmother notices in the newspaper that there is this guy who is called the Misfit that broke out of prison and is on the loose. The Grandmother, while driving a long she tells the kids that she knows of plantations that used to be there that are no longer there and tells the kids she had hid something there back in her day. During this trip, they had a horrible accident. Thankfully, no one was killed. The mother would suffer a scratch and a broken shoulder. The Grandmother thinks she has an injured organ but she doesn’t really know. You can also tell the setting of this place is somewhere south because everyone is sitting in a ditch surrounded by huge trees. They notice a strange car approaching. The grandmother says he looks familiar. The son notices a gun and asks what is it for. This is where the Misfit makes his presence and they all know who he is