The tensions between the United States and Iraq climaxed when Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait. …show more content…
Unlike, Operation Desert Shield, Desert Storm was the part of the war when the combat took place. It took off starting with a five week bombing period by the US. The US used “smart bombs,” which are bombs that can locate their target with impressive accuracy, to destroy Iraqi military strategic locations. The bombings were led by US General Norman Schwarzkopf and General Colin Powell. Iraq returned fire with “scud” missiles on both civilian and military locations in Israel and Saudi Arabia. However, they proved to be ineffective. The Gulf War is known as the first war to be officially aired live (by CNN). By February 28, 1991, the Iraqi forces had left Kuwait, and the Kuwaiti empire was restored. However, Saddam Hussein set fire to hundreds of oil wells before leaving. A ceasefire was declared by President Bush, and Kuwait had been saved from Iraqi control. The Gulf War was officially over. Saddam Hussein remained in power of Iraq ,according to, yet this proved to be controversial. Iraq was required to be searched for chemical weapons and WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction), yet it was revealed later that Saddam Hussein secretly had deadly weapons. The Gulf War had ended, but the United States’ involvement in the Middle East