One of the psychologist, is the support psychology- her role is fulfilled in counseling, general education or universal support, and 504 coordination and after I observed her one-on-one counseling over a few day, we discussed the trends …show more content…
The overall group goals would be: Students will learn about the stages of grief, students will expand their comprehension of their own grieving processes through analyzing and interpreting their feelings and actions, students will have the opportunity to share individual experiences and receive feedback from peers, students will create a safe environment and system of support. The corresponding pre and posttest assessment measured the progress towards this goal. The six week curriculum included the following session topics: introduction and ice breakers, stages of grief, managing grief, support system, closure, you are not alone. Each session student received a resource or did an activity that would help support them in the future. For example, in week 3 student did an activity where unhealthy coping mechanisms were identifies, and we offered ideas for healthy copping …show more content…
We did an icebreaker were students introduce themselves (name, grade, etc.) and answer questions about themselves depending on the color candy they chose. Additionally we established norms and rules such as confidentiality. Lastly, in the first session student wrote their “story”. Research by Briggs, and Pehrsson (2008) propose that the use of bibliotherapthy, the act of writing therapeutically and constructively, can increase solutions and increases therapeutic progress. The student wrote about who they lost, how long ago the loss occurred, and a memory of the loved one. In Session two we discussed the stages of grief using the Kubler-Ross stages of loss model. Students were asked to share which stage they are in at present and which stages they have gone through, if applicable. Session three discussed grief management, specifically how to manage your emotions in a healthy ways. Students learned about grief responses, both unhealthy and healthy ones. In session four we did a support system activity, student identifies the people around them that are available to support and uplift them. In session five, a difficult session, student were invited to visualize the deceased’s presence in an empty chair, and say what then need to say. In out last session, we relaxed a bit, at pizza, and enjoyed the