What role did Artemis play in ancient Greece history? Artemis’s role and what she stood for in ancient Greece entailed many things, the goddess of the wilderness, hunting, animals, birth of children and protectress of children, and of sudden death and disease. She is a very contradicting goddess and stood for many things. People believed in the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece and their roles in their day to day lives and it has been an important part of society ever since. Artemis is one specific goddess of Ancient Greek and played an important role in the history of ancient Greece.
There are many stories of Artemis’s beliefs, temperament, what she stood for, and what weapons she has. Artemis is one of the most ancient Greek …show more content…
Artemis was close to Apollo, although when they combined their powers and were together they were called “the bringers of sudden death and disease” even though she was considered the goddess and protectress of woman and young girls, (Aaron, Atsma, ARTEMIS GODDESS OF: Greek mythology). One legend says that Artemis was born a day earlier than Apollo, and she helped her mother deliver him, as a newborn herself. This made it so that Artemis was the patron of childbirth. Artemis desired to remain forever chaste and unmarried and always to be equipped for hunting (Cartwright, Mark, Artemis). She asked at an early age for her father, Zeus, to grant her eternal virginity, a bow and arrow like her brother, all the worlds mountains, and just one city which Zeus did, (Classical Mythology). Artemis’s role in ancient Greece was as the goddess of chastity, hunting, wild animals, forests, childbirth, and fertility, and she was also the patron of young women, particularly brides-to-be. She roamed the woods and mountain forests with her faithful followers, nymphs. She was the goddess of childbirth not only for humans, but also animals. She oversaw their reproduction, and that they were protected and safe. There are many contradictions to Artemis’s character. Although she is the patron of childbirth, she is also said to bring sudden death when a woman is giving birth. Artemis is also associated as a divinity of …show more content…
She encourages people to go after what they want and stands for independence, courage, and chasing after what you want. She encountered mistakes and imperfections like any person but she was not afraid to have courage and go after what she wanted. She represented balance in woman and your bad side and your good side. She is sometimes considered the goddess of the moon, and other times as the huntress. Whatever she is known as she is still a powerful influence today and has many interesting facets of her life just waiting to be found