The people on this island live a very simple life that can almost be described as boring. Their lifestyles revolve around very simple jobs such as fishing. Everyone on the island participates in these jobs. Another aspect of the island that is unique is that everything on the island has a name. When the main character's dad told him to meet him for fishing the only way he knew where to go was …show more content…
When a ship crashed on the island the the main characters school was closed for awhile. This example shows how little exposure these people have with the world beyond the island. Another example of the limited exposure is when the author thought the crayfish was lobster. Everything on the island is steady and something is rarely ever introduced. Another part of the environment that is important on the island is the level of cruelty that everyone on the island participates in. Many people are cruel to the animals on the island and it is seen as normal.
Lastly, the belief system is a big part of the island. Most people greet each other with the phrase, “Musha be with you,” which translate to lord be with you. They have a very ridge catholic belief. These people also fear their religion and the devil. During the Ventry races are card reader attended and the islanders said, “the devil takes you”, they were genuinely scared he was of the devil.The afterlife is also very important to the Gaelic people living on the island, and because of this, when people die wakes are held in their memory as they enter the