16.38 within the rural Granville County School System. (As cited in Common Core of Data
Public school district data for the 2012-2013) The entire system consists of four high schools, four middle schools, nine elementary schools, Granville Online (Virtual Classroom), and two charter schools. JF Webb is the oldest high school that now has a subsidiary school within and it is the JF Webb School of Health and Life Sciences. South Granville High School has two subsidiary schools within, which are the School of Health and Life Sciences and the School of integrated Technology and Leadership, and the last high school is Granville Central High. Granville Online includes NC Virtual and Granville County’s online school where courses are accessible to students; this is due to the increased access to technology by the schools providing laptops to the students throughout the school year. As stated in the 2013-2014 Granville County High School Curriculum Bulletin(2013), effective 2007-2008 school year students in the grades 6-8 may receive graduation credit for high school math and second language courses taken in middle school. (The total numbers of graduation credits are 28.Timothy Farley, Ed D ,indicates that because of the program – based on the NCNSP 1:1 Learning Technology Initiative – that in just two years the school is closing in on its goal of 100 percent student graduation. “Our graduation rate was 58 percent,” says Farley. “We’ve seen a 20.3 percent jump in the graduation rate, and I’ve seen an increase in the attendance and a decrease in disciplinary action.” (As cited in SAS, para.3 & 4) (No Child Left Behind, Granville Co. Schools) 3 No Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind or (NCLB) Act has brought great changes to the Granville County Public School System as well as schools throughout the nation. According to Aronson Ginsburg, J.(2013), the purpose of the NCLB Act is to ensure that by the 2013-2014 school year, every child in the American public school system will be performing academically at 100-percent proficiency in math and reading, regardless of race, economic status, …show more content…
The trainings are to hire, keep, and maintain a good work environment for quality teachers by providing bonuses and merit raises.
Parent involvement is a vital part of a students’ education. According to the No Child Left
Behind Act of (2001), one of the ways schools are asked to increase student performance is to
(No Child Left Behind, Granville Co. Schools)
have access to the schools’ annual report card, which shows the performances of the schools, the qualification of teachers, and the names of the schools that are “in need of improvement”. (As cited in GreatSchools Staff, 2014, What School Must Tell Parents section, para.2)
To ensure quality education free tutoring is offered under the NCLB Act, according to the Great School Staff, thousands of students qualify, only 15 percent are utilizing the services. U.S.Dept. of Education (2014) Tutoring is free to students with free or reduced lunch and attends a Title I school categorized as “in need of improvement” for two years in a row.(As cited in GreatSchools Staff,2014, How do I find if my child qualifies? Section, para,