Citizens enjoy an unprecedented bounty of rights and freedoms because of the government. Citizens rely on the government to enforce and protect their rights. Vigorous government response is required to ensure our rights and freedoms because an active and well funded government is needed to create and enforce them. Large governmental efforts costs billions of dollars a year, which are funded by taxpayers. Our rights are existent due to our active government's ability to effectively tax and spend. Government interference is also relied on in instances where rights are violated. Without a well-functioning court system, citizen's rights would be unenforceable. The …show more content…
This is the sum of good government." Those who agree with Jefferson support a frugal government to ensure our rights and freedoms, and believe that if we prevent the government from exercising power over us in our private lives, we will be free. Individuals often make the mistake of seeing our rights and civil liberties as the absence of government action and interference, when in reality, our rights depend heavily on an active