The narrative begins with Joseph, a righteous man is unwilling to expose his betrothed, Mary, to public disgrace for having a baby while claiming to be a virgin. In a dream, angels tell Joseph to take Mary as his wife, as her child is conceived from the Holy Spirit, and he will save his people from sins (Scott 3). Joseph is a perfect example of a disciple who has full faith in God and his abilities because he follows the angels’ orders immediately and chooses with no doubt to raise Jesus with Mary. Mary is also an example of discipleship for taking on the role of birthing him. When Jesus is born, the wise men are sent by King Herod to honor Jesus’ birth with gifts. Knowing that Herod does not have good intentions, the wise men put full faith into the little baby Jesus and risk their life by not returning to him. The characters directly involved with aiding the birth of Jesus teach the Jewish Christian community how a disciple should follow Jesus, a young child who is their messiah. As Jews and Gentiles are both called to discipleship, they learn how to follow Jesus by adopting the traits of Joseph, Mary, and the wise men. The theme of discipleship calls disciples of Jesus to have full faith in him and never doubt Jesus and God’s messages to them. They are called to trust in God through Jesus and his
The narrative begins with Joseph, a righteous man is unwilling to expose his betrothed, Mary, to public disgrace for having a baby while claiming to be a virgin. In a dream, angels tell Joseph to take Mary as his wife, as her child is conceived from the Holy Spirit, and he will save his people from sins (Scott 3). Joseph is a perfect example of a disciple who has full faith in God and his abilities because he follows the angels’ orders immediately and chooses with no doubt to raise Jesus with Mary. Mary is also an example of discipleship for taking on the role of birthing him. When Jesus is born, the wise men are sent by King Herod to honor Jesus’ birth with gifts. Knowing that Herod does not have good intentions, the wise men put full faith into the little baby Jesus and risk their life by not returning to him. The characters directly involved with aiding the birth of Jesus teach the Jewish Christian community how a disciple should follow Jesus, a young child who is their messiah. As Jews and Gentiles are both called to discipleship, they learn how to follow Jesus by adopting the traits of Joseph, Mary, and the wise men. The theme of discipleship calls disciples of Jesus to have full faith in him and never doubt Jesus and God’s messages to them. They are called to trust in God through Jesus and his