The author’s language is informative and completely serious. Explaining the personal experience of a woman names Cikara and the horrors of being engaged by several angry people for wearing a red sox cap at a Yankees game. “What I decided to do was take the hat from him, thinking I would be a lesser target by virtue of the fact that I was a woman”. Here Anne is convincing the readers that this mentality is more often than not unavoidable no matter who you are or what ways you try to resolve the already serious situation. This real life examples helps with the effectiveness the author is trying to use to …show more content…
When people are placed in a hostile group setting generally they lose a grasp on themselves as well as their moral views. Most of anne’s conclusions are based off of the studies that show the brain using different parts of itself to make decisions according to the type of situations it’s in. remembering the moral statements they had heard during the game. “If you need to encode something with regard to the self and that ability is somehow undermined when you’re competing with a group, then you should have poor memory associated with that reduction in medial prefrontal cortex signal, and that’s exactly what we see,”. This is a logical analysis considering how many trials and studies were