Wonder Woman also actively partakes in a war, World War II specifically, and demonstrates great acts of both physical and mental strength. Hailing from Paradise Island, a land inhabited by only Amazon women, she possesses tremendous amounts of strength and agility. After partaking in a tournament that required activities such as races against deers and deflecting bullets with merely bracelets, Wonder Woman was declared the “strongest and wisest warrior” on the island (Moulton, "Introducing Wonder Woman" 8). Because of her victory, she was then chosen to be sent to the United States, where she would aid the Americans to fight against the Nazis and to protect the American citizens. Upon arriving in Washington, she immediately takes action, stopping a group of thieves and even defeating a group of Nazis with Captain Steve. Consistently, Wonder Woman single-handedly fights groups of men, easily defeating them and installing fear into them. She even turns around the trope of the damsel in distress. Rather than her being the damsel who needs to be rescued, she constantly is the one who does the rescuing instead. She saves the life of Steve in almost every issue and saves countless other lives while rarely needing help herself. She takes on an identical role as a male superhero and is not considered any less of a superhero because of her identity as a …show more content…
The idea of the New Woman stresses the equality between men and women in society (Beetham and Heilmann 122), and the relationship between Steve and Wonder Woman represents this. Neither character ever speaks down to the other but rather, their relationship is based on mutual respect and equality. While Steve is rescued by Wonder Woman numerous amounts of times, he also consistently helps her in her fights. He ensures that Wonder Woman gets the credit that she deserves and that she is to be recognized for all that she has done, promoting equality among his peers. Moulton furthers this equality and promotes for women to take action through the involvement of Etta Candy and her band members. Etta and her friends are constantly called upon for help by Wonder Woman, even if they do not possess any superhuman strength. However, they don’t need any superhuman powers to make a difference. By simply taking action and fighting alongside men, they vigorously break out the submissive roles that were placed on women, demonstrating that they do not need to be a superhuman like Wonder Woman to make a difference or be a hero. The traditional and submissive gender norms are always contestant, but can also be broken with the right inspirations and positive