“Air pollution everywhere derives from liquid fuels used in automobiles.” “Air pollution does not respect national boundaries, often pollutants are experienced at a regional or global level when they originated at a local scale.” People everywhere can be affected by the pollution that a country across the world puts out into the Earth’s atmosphere. Population Density, how many people per square miles, can also affect the emission levels of an area. Where there are more people there is going to be more emission. “Countries that are poor relative to their neighbors may serve as pollution havens and thus have higher emission levels.” This can be caused by not having the money to control their emissions from factories or automobiles. It also can be caused by not having any regulations on their automobiles or factory emissions. Countries that cannot afford to implement regulations, if there are any, can be a major cause of air
“Air pollution everywhere derives from liquid fuels used in automobiles.” “Air pollution does not respect national boundaries, often pollutants are experienced at a regional or global level when they originated at a local scale.” People everywhere can be affected by the pollution that a country across the world puts out into the Earth’s atmosphere. Population Density, how many people per square miles, can also affect the emission levels of an area. Where there are more people there is going to be more emission. “Countries that are poor relative to their neighbors may serve as pollution havens and thus have higher emission levels.” This can be caused by not having the money to control their emissions from factories or automobiles. It also can be caused by not having any regulations on their automobiles or factory emissions. Countries that cannot afford to implement regulations, if there are any, can be a major cause of air