The first reason that George had to kill Lennie is …show more content…
Lennie was a threat to the people around him even if he didn’t actually mean it. He could not control himself and each time his wrongdoings got worse. Lennie has an obsession with petting things. “I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof’ things.” (p 90). It started when he was younger and he would get mice to pet but always ended up killing them. When they still lived in Weed, he wanted to pet a girl's skirt and would not let go. When they moved to the new ranch he killed the puppy cause it tried to bite him. Soon after he ended up killing Curley’s wife because he was petting her hair and would not let go. She screamed so it scared him and he broke her neck. If Lennie was still alive then there could potentially be more accidents like this.
The last reason that George needed to kill Lennie is for his own personal benefit. His entire life he had to take care of Lennie, which put a large strain on him. George constantly thinks about how much easier life would be if he didn’t have Lennie. Now that Lennie is gone George has a chance to live his own life and not have to worry about taking care of someone else and give up the things he wants in life. ”I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl.” (p