Over-arching multi-national organisations such as the European Union or the United Nations step in with policy decisions and international legal agreements increasingly often and represent a global authority and interconnectedness that supersedes the nation state, indicating the shift towards a global society. The emergence of these multi-national organisations challenges the nation state system and shows the weakening of strict state control. This illustrates the growing limitation of the label of the nation state as a way of defining the global divisions in today’s political …show more content…
It is held as the pinnacle of political organization but is only the most recent in a line of previous systems that, in their time, were held in equal esteem. The nation state was an ideal created during the Enlightenment and it can be argued that it never fully live up to expectations. In some cases, nations are closely linked, in terms of economic interdependence or ally groups like the European Union. On the opposite end, some nations are drastically divided within themselves, rife with political and cultural conflict or troubling economic and social disparities. The system itself is decreasingly illustrative of the global society that has developed in recent years and this only serves to further the limitations of the modern geopolitical imagination as an accurate and efficient way of organising the