The first generational theme I examined using the structural family therapy model that was developed by Salvador Minuchin. According to Miller (2011), the goal of the therapist is to examine the family in order to “understand the invisible rules that govern its functioning, map the relationships between …show more content…
According to Friedburg (2006), this theory focuses on each family’s core beliefs about the world, cognitive expectations, and underlying motivation of behavior. Although both sides of our families are very religious, the disparities in our religious beliefs strongly influence the core beliefs of our families. My family is primarily Methodist in the Christian denomination. We believe in God, however we see events in life as not always being either black or white. Our core beliefs tend to be more liberal and we are very understanding and forgiving of each other when we make mistakes. The expectation is to be honest, be kind, and live our lives as close to God as possible. Our primary motivation of behavior is to always try to do what is right because it is the right way to