Throughout the United States there are more than 40 different strains of Human Papillomavirus, and it is actually called Condylomata acuminata. Genital warts are very contagious sexually transmitted infection caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, that is transmitted through skin to skin contact, usually during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner. . Once this disease enters the body it cannot be killed, and it affects up to 75% of men and women who are sexually active.
When you don’t know your partner's history and having unprotected sex are the two main causes of genital warts. When you begin to be sexually active at a young age you have a higher risk of getting genital warts. This is a very infectious disease and once you come in contact, you will always have it. Sometimes warts may cause itching, redness, or discomfort, mainly when they are around the anus. About 90% of people who contract HPV don't develop genital warts, but 10% of the people who are infected can still transmit the virus. HPV is so common thatalmost all people that are sexully active will most likely get the disease sometime in life. …show more content…
When they start to grow they form a cauliflower shape and become slight bumpy. Genital warts may occur singly but are often found in clusters Genital warts may form on a male’s penis, scrotum, groin, thigh, or inside/outside the anus. For women the genital warts form around the areas of either the inside or outside of the anus and the vagina or the cervix. When you have come in contact with this infection it can cause cervical cancers and it could also cause precancerous changes to the cells of the cervix. This could also cause cancer to form in the vulva as well as the penile and anus