Genetic modification gives us access to an immense amount of power through the acquirement of knowledge, and although there is an apparent need for it, we need to be aware of our moral obligation to ensure that it is all done with compassion.“It is the unprecedented acquisition of knowledge and power that places us in critical position at this time. …show more content…
The higher the rate of knowledge and power, the greater must be our sense of moral responsibility.” The question is not whether or not we should acquire that knowledge, “rather, the issue is how to use this new knowledge and power in the most expedient and ethically responsible manner.” The Dalai Lama understands that there is a need for genetic engineering in our society and in the world as a whole, especially in the production of food. “It is now possible to create new breeds of plants with far higher yields and far lower susceptibility to disease in order to maximize food production in a world where the increasing population needs to be fed.” According to him, the motivation behind the genetic modification of plants and food is an acceptable way to use genetic engineering, because it will provide millions of people with a reliable source of nutrition. This form of genetic engineering is acceptable because the motivation behind it is to help those who do not have access to sufficient food, therefore tying in with the value of compassion. He is, however, worried about the long term effects of such modifications, stating that “By actively manipulating the gene, we are on the cusp of forcing an unnaturally quick rate of change in animals and plants as well as our own species.” Although the short term benefits are obvious, we do not know the long term effects of these modifications on the species of plants, on the soil and on the environment.“It is essential, indeed it is a responsibility, for us to be much more critically self-aware about what we are developing and why.” Genetic Engineering has an immense impact on the medical field. With genetic engineering, we are now able to map the genomes of organisms, enabling us to detect the genes that cause certain diseases. “...Genetics can tell individuals and families that they have genes which may kill or maim them in childhood, youth, or middle age.” This genetic forecasting has direct social and personal implications that can affect relationships, reproduction, insurance policies and employment. There are many questions that are raised when it comes to the identification of disease causing DNA. “The issues here are not just medical but ethical and can affect the psychological well-being of the people concerned” Genetic forecasting cannot be guaranteed as accurate. There are many components that have an affect on the phenotypic characteristics of the organism, including the genotype and effects of the environment for example, height, weight and skin colour. “People 's life choices and indeed their very self-identity may be significantly affected by their perception of genetic risk, but those perceptions may not be correct and the risk may not be realised.” We need to have a system that controls the knowledge that is released to people in a way that is compassionate and that honors the overall well-being of individuals. The genetic modification of embryos is another part of genetic engineering that needs to be ethically monitored. Giving parents the ability to choose the characteristics of their children is not ethically responsible. “When such technologies are used for medical reasons - as in curing of a particular genetic deficiency - one can deeply sympathize. The selection of particular traits, however,