Gender Wage Gap In America

Superior Essays
Silently, the virulent disease spreads from person to person. Generation to generation. It is inhabiting in you, taking root in the values and beliefs we hold dear to our heart. We are blind to the ruinous effects of the illness until we stand in front of a mirror. We are blind until our reflection reveals a person who is held down and placated by the fragmented social sickness that is sexism. There is no escaping its effects. It begins to manifest itself when the host is a child, slowly creeping its way from sandbox teasing, all the way to the American workforce. That is where the illness truly brings its adverse effects. The final stage of the illness is when it shapes the way we see ourselves. The social sickness affects our everyday lives, …show more content…
Deciding what a person must study, what they will form a career in, and how much money they will earn is a power that only the individual themselves should wield. The heinous evidence that proves the existence of the gender wage gap in America is, in itself, a piece of evidence that should not only concern, but should lead Americans into outrage. The disease spreads from social circles in families to working environments. Employers knowingly decide either to make someone’s life better or worse based purely upon gender. Whether or not to employ someone, give an employee a raise, or appoint an employee to a position where leadership is required, are some of the life-changing questions that an employer must ask themselves. These questions have undoubtedly been answered beforehand by the sexist system. Apart from struggling against the sexism that employers have been contaminated with, victims will struggle with being underestimated, teased, and even harassed by other employees. Sadly, questions about the performance of a certain employee will arise- not because of poor performance, but because of doubting ability because of that person’s gender. Even though workplace discrimination been outlawed, the bitter effects of …show more content…
It is time that we rise in unison, fight for equality in the social and systemic aspects of American society. Once these grievances have been addressed, we can eventually reestablish the respect and confidence that we had in ourselves, in our potential for being victorious in whatever we do. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we will not see the ill, almost physically held back person we had seen so little ago. The person that we will see is a person who is not afraid to break the status quo- the illness. The person we will see is someone immune to the adverse effects of sexism; someone not limited by gender roles that dominate our everyday lives and leave us defenseless against the toxic air circulating our society. That person breaking the destructive normalcy is not vulnerable, that person is breaking free from the shackles tied to us by the many branches of

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