Many Christian counselors have difficulty establishing the fine line of appropriateness when it comes to choosing various interventions and when to apply them to their respective clients. Garzon addresses these challenges in his article, "Interventions that Apply Scripture in Psychotherapy" (2005). Using well-cited scriptural basis for his assertions, Garzon addresses a number of challenges faced by Christian therapists. An underlying tone of the article is for scriptural guidance to determine the practice modalities for counselors in the field. However, the author is quick to note that each case is different and one must take into account the theological ideologies of the patient.
Garzon addresses a number of major topics, which includes the power of the Bible 's message to heal (which he refers to as potent), determining the appropriate times and places for application of scripture in psychological treatment, and what ethical and cultural considerations should be made when choosing scripture-based counseling technique. A person’s diagnosis, coupled with his or her background, helps determine when and where scriptural intervention is appropriate. …show more content…
If a therapists own mindset makes the use of these types of interventions to be a detriment than more traditional modalities remain preferred. In best case scenarios, the therapist will understand and have a faith-based grounding in application and practice and be able to genuinely guide a patient in the right direction. The importance of applying biblical principles into therapy must be done in the most ethical regard (Garzon, 2005, 115). Ethical and cultural significance should be well-known prior to making faith-based