Caesar used the problems in Rome to build his own political and military power, which led him to many victories. When Caesar was young he served as an officer in Asia Minor and was a quaestor in Farther Spain. Later during the revolt of Rome’s allies, he rose to political prominence and married Cornelia. Soon after she passed away he became very popular among the people. This would be to his advantage when gaining allies such as Pompey and Crassus, which helped him win many battles. This source is from an encyclopedia, which demonstrates its credibility. With all these details about Caesar’s military experience, this article will aid in writing the research paper. "Info:Private Page." - New World Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. . During Caesar’s governorship, he expanded Rome through many victorious wars and the support of Pompey and Crassus. With Pompey’s influence and Crassus’ money, they formed an alliance that would become very successful. Caesar launched the Gallic wars in 58 B.C.E and conquered all of Gaul, which would be considered the greatest invasion since Alexander the Great. Many people believed he wanted to be king; therefore, he became unpopular among his peers. After Julia and Crassus died, the alliance would crumble. Crassus later accused Caesar of treason and ignited the civil war. Caesar defeated Pompey and sided with Cleopatra; who he wished to marry but could not under Roman law. This source is credible due to the fact it is from an encyclopedia. With the in-depth explanation of what happened to the First Triumvirate and Caesar’s governorship, this source will help in writing the research paper. "Julius Caesar Biography." - Life, Family, Death, History, Young, Son, Old, Information, Born, House, Marriage. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. . Caesar was a powerful Roman General who overthrew the Roman Republic. When he was young, he was considered a very cultural and literate Roman. Caesar became very successful in events such as defeating the tribes in Gaul, which would lead him to obtaining governorship over Gaul’s tribes. With connections from tribes outside the border, he decided to go on an expedition against Britain. When Caesar was set to return to Gaul, Gaul rose up in a widespread rebellion; this threatened his power. Caesar decided to continue to challenge Vercingetorix, the leader of the rebellion, even after losing several battles to him. Caesar finally forced Vercingetorix to surrender. Later Caesar would return to …show more content…
After successfully launching his military career, he teamed up with Pompey and Crassus; they would be known as the First Triumvirate. Later the First Triumvirate would disband due to Crassus’ death, which led to disputes between Caesar and Pompey. Caesar conquered all of Gaul through many difficult attacks on tribes. He was also successful in other battles such as the Battle of Pharsalus against Pompey and the Battle against the Helvetians. This source is from the History Channel, which shows its credibility due to the studies and researches they perform. With the details on the First Triumvirate and many battles Caesar won, this article will assist in writing the research …show more content…
He also began many reforms in the Roman society and their government. After entering a strategic alliance with Pompey and Crassus he began waging wars on many people such as the Helvetii, Belgic Confederacy, Nervii, Veneti, and the Union of Gauls. He was successful in defeating all of them; unfortunately tragedy would come when Crassus was killed in battle. This led to many problems between Pompey and Caesar; therefore, they disbanded the First Triumvirate. Caesar was told to disband his army, but he refused and then crossed the Rubicon River in pursuit of Pompey. After Pompey was killed Caesar decided to help Cleopatra uphold her rule. While doing so, he finished off the rest of Pompey’s supporters and then became