From Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God Summary

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In the story,” from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, Jonathan Edwards tries persuade the congregation. In “from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, Edwards claims that God casts unconverted and natural men down to hell. He also says it is easy to get cast into hell when you haven’t been reborn. People in this time would be persuaded by this sermon because most of the people were apart of the congregation and church which would make them gullible to what their preacher said since they believed that he was speaking what God told him to speak, and they though its was wrong if they didn’t believe in God.
At this time you were ether apart of the congregation and church or you would be consider one of the devils worshiper. People would be gullible when believing everything the preacher said. If the preacher were to say “God said go jump off a bridge” they would because they thought it was God speaking through the preacher. Since they are gullible they would believe this sermon when Edwards says that,” They are now the objects of
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If they had different religious preference many of the puritans would think that by believing in a different religion that they would automatically be sentenced to hell like Edwards say,” So that, thus it is that natural men are held in the hands of God, over the pit of hell; and are already sentenced to it.” (Edwards pg154) You might say that Edwards wouldn’t persuade them because he isn’t their church minister or preacher. People back then would believe an ordained minister and preacher because they would think that the minister was speaking Gods words like a translator to tell the people what to and what not to do. People back then care what others though of them, so if they were to believe in a different or no religion their neighbors and people of the town would judge them and say they were

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