To start with, Frederick was born in February 1818 In Talbot County, MD. He was born into slavery. No one knows the exact day of his birth because his slave master didn’t keep record of it. Frederick just started celebrating his birthday on February 14 every year. Being born into slavery meant he didn’t know how to read and write but he still later became a writer. Being a slave was hard, thank goodness he later escaped it a lived as a conductor.
In addition, one day he escaped slavery and his slave master. In Maryland ,Frederick Douglass was a free man after escaping. He became an abolitionist and a writer after learning to …show more content…
While being a conductor in the Underground railroad and helping slaves. He was also a writer,orator,abolitionist,social reformer,a national leader, and statesman. He did a lot after escaping. He wasn’t a normal leader he was a National Leader of the abolitionist movement. He helped people in many ways by teaching people, by teaching slaves, by helping slaves escape,and by being a great leader. All in all he had a good life… Well after he escaped slavery and never got returned to it.
To finish, Frederick Douglass’s life was good. Frederick Douglass did a lot as a National Leader, in his early life, life as a slave, escaping slavery,helping people escape, and after slavery.
Many people then looked up to him for help and guidance and people now still look at him and see a hero. Frederick Douglass was a great man this is what I know about him, but there is still a lot more about him. If you liked reading about him it probably be a good idea to research and learn more about