Actions Speak Louder than Words. It is by Norma Brody Geste. The book is free and an online book. It is basically about a senior citizen couple who preferred to be foster parents to teenagers.
The author went to school to learn out different diseases about metal health behavior. She also taught in Ventura County Juvenile Hall and was also a Special Education Teacher with the county and the city. She also wrote a play called Shadows of the Mind. The play was a true story about her friend who went through extensive Gestalt Therapy without any help of medication or hypnosis. Basically it ended with her friend having chronicled the cause of her angst and the process used for the cure.
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It allows the child to meet those that are in the house hold ad to just learn the rules. Just getting to know what the household is like. Also how they talk about the foster parent basically to realize that this may or may not be a long term situation. So if thy invest in the child they cannot be really mad because you have invested into the child but the court may have found something more permeant for the child that they fell others are best fit to raise the child. So I feel this is a good thig to be out front with because that might be something that determines if the person wants to be a foster parents.
So in conclusion this is a great book for people who are looking into this information. It can help but it should be a little more in order. I need it to flow more so that it can basically be a step by step for those who want to know what to do in the order that the situations will occur. It should be a nice guide for future foster parents to be able to refer to and be able to handle situations as they come up. To conclude it is very informative and will help to assist with making the discussion if this is something that is right for you as a