In Borges’ Funes the Memorious, the story centers around the character Funes who is capable of remembering everything after getting into an accident that leaves him physically crippled. Despite his physical state, Funes’ newfound ability can also be considered as a hindrance to his mental state. Although he claimed to enjoy seeing the world in his new state, to him the world was “so rich and bright” but it was also “intolerable” as everything felt so vivid it became difficult for Funes to process everything
In Borges’ Funes the Memorious, the story centers around the character Funes who is capable of remembering everything after getting into an accident that leaves him physically crippled. Despite his physical state, Funes’ newfound ability can also be considered as a hindrance to his mental state. Although he claimed to enjoy seeing the world in his new state, to him the world was “so rich and bright” but it was also “intolerable” as everything felt so vivid it became difficult for Funes to process everything