Only in these type of circumstances should the responding officer try every attempt to get lots of photos and file any of the items if possible. The most significant aspect of evidence gathering and preservation is defending the crime scene. This is to keep the appropriate evidence untainted until it can be documented and collected. Actually, any law enforcement officer can be put into the place of first responding officer to a crime. First responder officer on the scene should step to the crime unhurriedly and carefully. The officer should become involved in arresting a difficult suspect or carrying out lifesaving procedures on a hurt victim. The officer should document and write anything down that could help detectives. According to research “ Even with limited knowledge of evidence and its preservation, a police officer who is the first responder to a crime scene can properly protect, preserve, and, in some cases, collect evidence” (Donofrio, 2000). Every case is different and will have need of several diverse patterns of responses, but the most important principle, which will guide the first responding officer is the safety of
Only in these type of circumstances should the responding officer try every attempt to get lots of photos and file any of the items if possible. The most significant aspect of evidence gathering and preservation is defending the crime scene. This is to keep the appropriate evidence untainted until it can be documented and collected. Actually, any law enforcement officer can be put into the place of first responding officer to a crime. First responder officer on the scene should step to the crime unhurriedly and carefully. The officer should become involved in arresting a difficult suspect or carrying out lifesaving procedures on a hurt victim. The officer should document and write anything down that could help detectives. According to research “ Even with limited knowledge of evidence and its preservation, a police officer who is the first responder to a crime scene can properly protect, preserve, and, in some cases, collect evidence” (Donofrio, 2000). Every case is different and will have need of several diverse patterns of responses, but the most important principle, which will guide the first responding officer is the safety of