Perry has done a successful job with highlight the idea that just remain like that. Finding out the following values that an individual truly believes in allows this person to feel free and begin a new page in their life. "Firework" certainly allows an individual to strive for their goals and not give up. After all, everyone has an ability to be "even brighter than the moon, moon, moon" since it has always existed inside of them. Everyone should trigger the night with their positive colors and " ...leave 'em all in awe, awe,
Perry has done a successful job with highlight the idea that just remain like that. Finding out the following values that an individual truly believes in allows this person to feel free and begin a new page in their life. "Firework" certainly allows an individual to strive for their goals and not give up. After all, everyone has an ability to be "even brighter than the moon, moon, moon" since it has always existed inside of them. Everyone should trigger the night with their positive colors and " ...leave 'em all in awe, awe,